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Directie Vredo

Testimonial Hugo

Hugo Crijns, Managing Director at Deicke-Agrodienst GmbH

“Our customers don’t compromise. We either fertilize with a Vredo or not at all. It’s as simple as that.”

Hugo Crijns, Managing Director at Deicke-Agrodienst GmbH:
“Our customers don’t compromise. We either fertilize with a Vredo or not at all. It’s as simple as that.”

Minimal soil compaction and maximum results. Choosing Vredo’s self-propelled machines means opting for absolute top quality. Managing Director Hugo Crijns of Deicke-Agrodienst can attest to that. “In a distant past, we would sometimes show up at arable farmers with a different machine, but we quickly abandoned that practice. In fact, our customers now insist that we use a Vredo. When it comes to protecting the soil, they make no compromises. Our Tracs keep the spray tracks perfectly intact, and due to the clever weight distribution, we can be out in the field extremely early in the season. That pays off!”

Crijns became Managing Director at Deicke-Agrodienst in East Germany after studying horticulture and agriculture at Aeres University of Applied Sciences in Dronten. “Our customers are mainly arable farmers who value quality. In spring, we operate in existing crops like wheat, barley, and rapeseed 80% of the time. It’s crucial that we spread the manure as precisely as possible while staying in the spray tracks. With Vredo’s Tracs, it’s child’s play.”

The most powerful self-propelled machine

“Working with a different self-propelled machine than a Trac is really not an option here,” jokes Crijns. “We don’t even need to suggest that to our customers. We fertilize with a Vredo, or not at all. It’s that simple. But who can blame them? The VT7138-3 is the most powerful self-propelled machine currently on the market. Our customers are genuinely satisfied with it.”

Back of an envelope
“Arable farmers who only look at the short term and want the manure as cheap as possible on the field might choose a cheaper alternative. Those are the same farmers who still do calculations on the back of an envelope, but we don’t have those kinds of customers,” explains Crijns. “Our arable farmers want to provide their crops with organic fertilizer as early as possible in the season without immediately ruining the land. They see with their own eyes that we deliver high-quality work with our three-axle machines and ask us back every year.”

36 meters wide
“The VT7138-3 in particular, can’t be compared to anything else. First of all, there’s the enormous pumping capacity and tank size; the only self-propelled machine that empties the transport tank in one go. You’re talking about approximately 30 cubic meters that are immediately available. That saves a lot of transport activity on your plot. And then there’s the option to attach spreaders of 36 meters wide. You can fasten an attachment in no time, so you can quickly get back to work. That makes this self-propelled machine unique in its kind.”

Efficiency advantage
“We arrive at a farm and spread everything in a short time. Because we spread in these large widths, we have extra impact,” continues Crijns. “Often, we complete the entire fertilization within one week. Even on heavier clay soil, where we have about 50-60 soil points and occasionally have to do a hill test. With a Vredo, you’re invariably finished much faster than with other self-propelled machines. That works efficiently and saves costs, which ultimately has its benefits.”

Ease of use and more capacity
Deicke-Agrodienst has three Tracs, with the VT7138-3 being the latest. “This latest type has had a significant upgrade,” notes Crijns. “I believe this self-propelled machine has about 15% more capacity than its predecessor. The RPMs are also variable. If you set them yourself, the engine automatically takes the most fuel-efficient RPM. That saves fuel. In addition, the VT7138-3 has perfect handling. You no longer have to manually operate the turbo filler. You control the entire machine with a joystick. Very simple and user-friendly.”

Outstanding Vredo year
Crijns hopes that this spring will be as successful as last season. “The combination of dog walk and driven axles allows us to fertilize very early in the season. Last year was truly an outstanding Vredo year in that regard. While other self-propelled machines couldn’t access the fields due to rainfall, we were already busy with our Tracs, giving our arable farmers a considerable head start. A genuine business plus for Deicke-Agrodienst! Vredo is the right machine for us that meets the customer’s wishes,” concludes Crijns.


Slurry injectors up to 36 meters

Suction system 16m3 per minute